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Badass Botanical & Bacterial Beverages

Cans of FuncBot Demon Semen, Ginseng Kola, and Oaxacan Vanilla Cacao, surrounded by botanical illustrations of the functional ingredients

FuncBot makes healthy beverages through the use of botanicals and bacterial fermentation. It’s equal parts biotech, ethnobotany, and gastronomy.

Sparkling Botanicals

The botanical sodas are FuncBots core range and are only made of botanicals, water, and gas.

Trendy Buzzwords:

Vegan, Raw, Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, Preservative-Free, Paleo & Ketogenic


Spontaneously fermented and rich in beneficial live bacteria and botanicals.

More Buzzwords:

Raw, Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, Preservative-Free, Paleo, Ketogenic & Probiotic

Bottles of probiotic Elderberry Dandelion Tepache and Eucalyptus Ginger Beer, made by FuncBot at Treiber Farms in New York

What's the Func?

FuncBot makes healthy beverages through the use of botanicals and bacterial fermentation.

It’s equal parts biotech, ethnobotany, and gastronomy.

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